+44 (0) 1603 631155 info@invisiblevision.com

Making the invisible visible


With over 35 years experience in the field of high speed imaging, from IR, UV and X-ray framing and streak cameras, CMOS, III-V and CCD technologies, image intensifiers and shutter tubes, Invisible Vision has an unrivalled pedigree in the application and supply of imaging solutions.



Invisible Vision recognizes the power that modern non-invasive analytical imaging techniques can bring to researchers in the bio-medical, biochemistry and environmental disciplines. We are actively involved in research and development to bring to market new techniques with particular emphasis on drug discovery and environmental monitoring.

Emerging Technologies

UV & High Speed

The large range of UVi and Super UVi camera intensifers are designed to add low light, extended spectral range (from UV to NIR) and fast gating in a compact and all inclusive lens coupled package. Typical applications are in combustion, electric discharge, biomedical and ultra high speed stroboscopic techniques in conjunction with high speed or conventional video cameras.


The Ultra UBSi

A true 1 Billion FPS Camera

The Ultra UBSi

UVi Camera Intensifiers

18 and 25mm Options

UVi 12/24 1850 Camera Intensifier Products

Our mission is to provide cost effective, user-friendly solutions allowing the researcher to concentrate on their application with simple, reliable yet innovative state-of-the-art imaging tools.

Latest News

Jan 2022

Privacy Notice updated 

Sep 2018

Invisible Vision works on new 'Cancer' camera with the Rosalind Franklin Institute https://www.rfi.ac.uk/worlds-best-video-camera-to-develop-cures-for-deadliest-cancers/

Nov 2017

SUVI in 'Nature' magazine https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-05797-w

Aug 2015 New Website Launched May 2013 1 Billion fps UBSi released. Derived from the UHSI the UBSi is a true 12/24 frame optically calibrated 1 Billion fps (exposures to 1ns) camera. Faster versions available.

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