+44 (0) 1603 631155 info@invisiblevision.com
Invisible Vision is currently involved in several new applications for its' imaging technologies with partners outside the conventional concept of a camera. These include the use of custom imaging sensors and alternative sensor technologies to those in use today to solve the problems and issues of the 21st century.

Image courtesy of Dr. A.R.Prescott, CHIPs and Division of Cell Biology and Immunology, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, Scotland.
Bio-medical Imaging
Invisible Vision recognizes the power that modern non-invasive analytical imaging techniques can bring to researchers in the bio-medical, biochemistry and environmental disciplines. We are actively involved in research and development to bring to market new techniques with particular emphasis on drug discovery and environmental monitoring.
Emerging Technologies
Invisible Vision is currently involved in several new applications for its often patented imaging technologies, developing further its cameras systems with new capabilities and improved materials often with partners outside the conventional concept of a camera. These include the use of time-of-flight systems in neutron imaging, X-ray imaging, environmental monitoring and onwards into realm of exotic physics. Invisible Vision’s products and technologies continue to be used to solve the problems and issues of the 21st century.
Latest News
Jan 2022Privacy Notice updated
Sep 2018Invisible Vision works on new 'Cancer' camera with the Rosalind Franklin Institute https://www.rfi.ac.uk/worlds-best-video-camera-to-develop-cures-for-deadliest-cancers/
Nov 2017SUVI in 'Nature' magazine https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-05797-w
Aug 2015 New Website Launched May 2013 1 Billion fps UBSi released. Derived from the UHSI the UBSi is a true 12/24 frame optically calibrated 1 Billion fps (exposures to 1ns) camera. Faster versions available.