+44 (0) 1603 631155 info@invisiblevision.com
Invisible Vision markets its products globally, working with all the major high speed video camera manufacturers and their resellers in particular for the UVi product range. We are also very happy to discuss your requirements directly should you wish, but to aid our customers we have an established global spread of sales and marketing associates in major markets, including, but not limited to:
nac Americas, Inc.
- 193 Jefferson Ave., Suite 102
- Salem, MA 01970
- Tel: (833) 600-0261
- Contact: Tomofumi Masuda
- Email: sales@nacinc.com
- Web: www.nacinc.com
nac Image Technology Inc.
- 2-11-3 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku
- Tokyo 107-0061 Japan
- Tel: +81-3-3796-7903
- Fax: +81-3-3796-7908
- Contact: Marie Hara
- Email: hara.marie@camnac.co.jp
- web: www.nacinc.jp
High Speed Imaging Inc.
- 520 Allbright Road
- Uxbridge, Ontario Canada L9P 1R4
- Tel: (905) 649-5445
- Fax: (905) 649-4038
- Contact: Jeff Gregg
- Email: info@hsi.ca
- Web: www.hsi.ca
U & U International Inc.
- Unit 6, 9F, 77, Tun Hua South Road
- Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Zip Code: 106
- Tel: 886-2-27062110
- Fax: 886-2-27063837
- Email: uuintl@seed.net.tw
- Web: www.uuinternational.com.tw
- 台北市敦化南路二段77號9樓之6
- 郵遞區號: 106
- 電話: 886-2-27062110
- 傳真: 886-2-27063837
- 郵箱: uuintl@seed.net.tw
- 網站: www.uuinternational.com.tw
ENVIBRA Test & Measurement
- ul. Mścibora 18A
- 61-061 Poznań, Poland
- Tel: +48 (0) 61 8600660
- Contact: Jakub Grygiel
- Email: info@envibra.pl
- Web: www.envibra.pl
Shanghai Jinqiao Jingyi Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.
- No. 388, Caonong Road
- Songjiang Industry Zone
- Shanghai, China
- Zip Code: 201613
- Tel: 86-21-57687667
- Fax: 86-21-57686418
- Email: sales@jqjy.com
- Web: www.jqjy.com
- 上海市松江工业园区曹农路388号
- 邮编201613
- 电话: 86-21-57687667
- 传真: 86-21-57686418
- 电子邮件: sales@jqjy.com
- 网站: www.jqjy.com
VKT Video Kommunikation GmbH
- Sandwiesenstraße 15
- 72793 Pfullingen
- Deutschland
- Tel: +49 7121 9797-0
- Contact: Thomas Meier
- Email: thomasmeier@vkt.de
- Web: www.vkt.de
Proxis s.r.o.
- Sporicka 296/46
- 184 00 Praha
- Czech Republic
- Tel: +420284686309
- Web: www.proxis.eu
Proxis Slovakia s.r.o.
- Karloveská 63
- 841 04 Bratislava
- Slovak Republic
- Tel.:+421265413044
- Web: www.proxis.eu
Tech Imaging Services, Inc. USA
- 27 Congress Street, Suite 406
- Salem, Massachusetts
- MA 01970, USA
- Tel: +1.978.740.0063
- Mob: +1.617.571.8525
- Fax: +1.978.740.2769
- Email: jason@techimaging.com
- Web: www.techimaging.com
Latest News
Jan 2022Privacy Notice updated
Sep 2018Invisible Vision works on new 'Cancer' camera with the Rosalind Franklin Institute https://www.rfi.ac.uk/worlds-best-video-camera-to-develop-cures-for-deadliest-cancers/
Nov 2017SUVI in 'Nature' magazine https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-05797-w
Aug 2015 New Website Launched May 2013 1 Billion fps UBSi released. Derived from the UHSI the UBSi is a true 12/24 frame optically calibrated 1 Billion fps (exposures to 1ns) camera. Faster versions available.